About us...

Hi there from windy....Oklahoma!!

I'm new to this "blog thing"! So you'll have to bear with me and give me a few tips along the way.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Kitchen Swap

I am sooo happy to finally be able to post what I received from the Kitchen Swap.   I really had wished to of been able to post sooner but "life" got in the way.

So here are pictures of the awesome things that I got from my new "kitchen buddy"...
I love this plate...Ava was right..it does remind me of my wildflowers from back home!!

Without my family I have nothing...they are my whole world. I can't wait to hang this pic in my new house.

Sorry this pic. isn't that great my camera was having a hard time with the shine of the cookbook. This is a cookbook from the church that my swap buddy attends. I love this!!!!  My daughter was very excited, she can't wait to pick out a reciepe and try it!!

Ok..this about sums it up..I have a perfect spot in my kitchen window for this frame.
Thank you so much for the wonderful thoughtful gifts.
I hope that everyone else had just has much fun as I did!!!

Have a wonderful, blessed week!! Thank you Ava!!!


Saturday, May 15, 2010

An answsered prayer.

I want to let you in on a little secret of mine. It's something kinda private that only a few people know.... you see my youngest daughter Ashlyn doesn't really talk. Ok..it's more like she babbles a little but no clear words are spoken. That's right..no mamma, dadda, bye-bye, dog, cup..nothing. She as no problem communicating what she wants, just with gestures and grunts. I took for granted the first words. All of my other children spoke either early or right on time..there was no question they all loved to use their words!!

Ashlyn on the other hand is a little different. She's never done things the "easy" way. But man on man does she just melt your heart when she smiles. I thank God everyday for blessing me with her, and I silently pray for those little words to come out of her tiny mouth..."mamma". I have longed for the day that she would look at me and call me "mamma". Sometimes I feel so selfish praying that she will talk. Is it wrong to want to hear those words?? I know she knows that I'm her mamma..I can't get out of her sight and she loves to be planted firmly on my hip!!

She started speech therapy about a month ago and we go now 2 x a week. And we've noticed some baby steps, which make me very hopefull!! We feel like a broken record at home because we repeat everything so much for her. She's about to be 17 mon. old...wow how the time as flown. I remember when I found out I was pregnant, it was such a shock. Then she was born and struggled to breathe and stay alive. Now she's a vibrant, bouncy little curly hair girl!! Oh how I love her so!! So yes, I still will selfishly pray to hear her call my name when she needs me, because I love her.

So there...my little secret is out and I'd love your prayers on the matter.

Children are such a blessing from God above....


I'm back!!

WOW...what a crazy few weeks its been.

First, life just got in the way with my blogging. The kids, their school, doctors appointments...LIFE! Then it was mother nature..tornando's which caused us to have no electricity. Then the electricity came back..praise the LORD..but still no interent. :(

One thing God showed me over the last few days without electric is that we take for granted the little things. Like the ability to walk into any room and "flip" a switch or "open" a box and have anything cold at our fingertips. It gets dark in your house when the sun goes down, life comes to a halt unless you have a flashlight. When the "things" are gone...tv's, computers, video games, phones, radios..there is only the "silent's" to invade your thoughts. In the those dark hours your mind begins to wander...am I living the life God wants me to?? Am I living more for the world or for Christ?? Am I raising my kids to understand Jesus and all that He has to offer?? REFLECTION...this would be the word that I would use to describe what God gave me this past week. A little bit of time to think, a forced "time-out" from the things of the world. So I recommend that everyone take a "time-out" of their own and do a little reflecting. Try a few days with no tv, phone or computer and see what happens. The time we have here on this earth is nothing compared to an eternity with Christ!!!

I didn't realize how much I used my computer until it was down. I will try and catch you all up on our crazy, but wonderful life. Thanks for stopping by!!

In Christ,

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Correction to the 4 wheelers...

Boy oh boy...did I get in lots of trouble from my kids!!  The kids were checking out my blog and got so upset because I had failed to post a "close up" of their helmets. You see it took them about a week and lots of hours of looking to find the "perfect" one. Daddy told them that they would have it for a long time so they all wanted to make sure they got the right one!!

The other correction is that in the original pictures Ashlyn is hanging out on the kids old battery 4 wheeler. That is not her 4 wheeler the kids said. You see she was getting so frustrated because all she could do is climb on it that we bought her one that is her size. We looked everywhere for a helmet but they don't make them that small, so we got her a cute bike helmet and its still a little loose. She has a tiny little head!! She LOVES her 4 wheeler (battery driven). She's as big as her siblings or at least she thinks she is. She's still learning how to make it go, but it won't be long. In the pic. she wasnt' very happy about having to wear her new helmet. Some days she's cool with it and others...well you know!!

Anyway..sorry for the "mistakes"!!  My kids are happy now!!!

Aleah's "Pink Flames", when she picked this I had to laugh, because it so fits her personality!!

Adalynn's "Butterflies"! This also fit her personality, very girly!!

She insisted on showing the back.

Ashlyn on her very own 4 wheeler!! Like I said..she wasn't happy with the helmet!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


This is the time of year that I use to love as a child. Growing up in South Tx. allowed for many, many pictures in the bluebonnets. (these are wildflowers for those who don't know) It always seemed that as long as we got enough rain the wildflowers would be thick and beautiful. I remember sitting in the suburban just staring out the window as the colors flew past me. If I squinted my eyes the flowers seem to blend into a beautiful array of colors. I use to imagen that this is what the world looked like to God...a big blur of color.

Anyway..living here in Oklahoma we don't seem to have the wildflowers in adbundance like we did back in Texas..so has you can imagen I was jumping for joy when I found a single red, Indian paitbrush in my pasture. It is the only wildflower I have so far. I keep waiting and wishing for more to pop up, but none have.

So today as I sat on the porch watching my children play for their outside time, my very sentimental daughter walked up to me and exclaimed.."momma, I was playing and saw something and it made me think of you." Oh really I said, and she went on to say, "yip so I wanted you to have it forever and when you look at it you'll remeber that I thought of you." Well, let me say right about now, I had no idea what she had behind her back so I was really curious what it was!! I said, "show me, I'm so excited to see what you found!" Out from behind my darling daughters back she pulled out the lone little red wildflower!!!!!  Many emotions surfaced for a fleeting moment, but I held them all in check and remembered that she had thought of me. She knew how much her momma loved wildflowers. So I pulled her close and gave her a huge hug. I love being thought of!!!


Ps. Later when she and I were talking about the flower, she piped up with "When I was riding my 4 wheeler, I accidently ran over two more that had come up. So I decided that I better keep one of them safe so I brought it to you!"

So much for my dreams of a pasture full of wildflowers!!!  :) 

Friday, April 9, 2010


Well, my children have found a new love and it's not doing housework!!  lol

Their new love is riding their 4 wheelers!!!  Man o man...do they beg, barter and plea to ride them 24-7!
Carl surprised the kids with them a few weeks ago and they love them!! We have very strict rules for riding them and mom and dad stand outside like the "traffic police", shouting "slow down" or "don't go through the MUD!!!!!"
I think the hardest part for the kids was picking out their helmets then waiting for them to come it. Because we refused to let them ride until the helmets were here and safely on their little heads!!
We also made the kids go through "4 wheeler school" as we call it. They had to watch a safety video then practice and recite all the saftey things. I am proud to say that Aleah memorized all of the saftey rules and gets on to her siblings if she thinks they might break a rule!!!   :)

Untill next time....I'm being begged has we speak to go and ride!!! 


They are all lined up and ready to roll!! All expect Ashlyn that is...her's is just a powerwheels 4 wheeler and she cant' reach the pedals yet, but she loves to sit on it and "act" like she riding!!
Austin and is "Raptor" style ATV.

Adalynn and her purple camo ATV. She wanted me to tell everyone that her helmet has purple butterflies on it!

Aleah I think loves to ride more that the other two. And she's really good at it too! Ohh..yes she has pink flames on her helmet, defentintly her personality!!

Ashlyn wishing she could ride!!

PS. you can click on any picture to enlarge it!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Well, Easter has come and gone, but remembering what CHRIST did for me will never fade away!! He is Alive!!!! 

My hubby and I were reflecting on what our Easter's were like as a child and its very different from what our children are experiencing. You see for both of us we had grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins around that we spent our holiday with. Egg hunts were with the different sets of cousins, lunch or dinner with grandparents. Dying eggs and getting our fingers all dyed. Dressing in our "fancy" new Easter dresses and going to church with our family. These are the memories we have.

Now what are the memories that our children will have??? As a military family we don't have the option to be close to our family. So we create different memories! We egg hunt on Sat. because that's when our church has their egg hunt. Our kids love hunting with their friends from church. Our friends here take on the roll of "family" when you don't have any family close. After several hours of egg hunting, crafts and lots and lots of desserts, its time to leave the church and come home. By now all the kids are on a sugar high...so outside to play it is!!!
Sunday mornings are always the best...its almost like Christmas for them. The night before they leave their easter baskets on the table with hopes that there are "goodies" in them the next morning. I was woken up with, "momma, momma, he came come and see."!!!  :) Sure enough the Easter bunny had come and what did he bring this year?????   BABY CHICKS!!!!  and lots of little things in their baskets.

After the hyperness wears off its time to get ready for church...more squeals..the girls have been waiting to wear their new dresses!!! Off to church we go..this is what it's really all about.
After church we head out to lunch at a local restaurant..yip I said it, no homecooked, big Easter meal. It's just the 6 of us, and the kids would rather go out to eat, so that 's what we do. Then after lunch we spend time doing what the Z's love to do best....be OUTSIDE!!!!!

So these are the memories that my children will have to share with their kids one day. Hope you enjoyed spending a little time in our lives this Easter. And remember where ever you are there might be military families... so invite them over to share a meal or a holiday with you!!!

These are pic of the kids hunting at the church!! Ashlyn was funny, she'd put an egg in then through it back out. She wasn't sure what to do at first!!

The kids are instructed that during the egg hunt there are special eggs with #'s on them. When the hunt is over the kids gather around and the # egg are brought up 1 at a time and the story of Christ death and ressurection are told to the kids. They really enjoy this!!


Aren't the kids new sunglasses COOL!!!  This is what they wanted the Easter bunny to bring them!  :)

Friday, April 2, 2010


A is for... always being by my side
S is for... shy in your bashful little way
H is for...hugs, that you love to give anytime of the day
L is for...little tiny toes that I kiss every morning
Y is for...the yellow flowers that you love to pick in the yard
N is for...nose, you love to wrinkle it up just so!

Thank you for being you! I love you so very much.
My little "stinker winker"!!!

 My Silly Little Girl!!!!

It just wouldn't be YOU with out your blanky and paci!!!
You will Always bring a Smile to my Face!!!
I love you this much  {.................}  :)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Yesterday was Tuesday and that means it's Dance Day.

For most that's not a huge deal but for us it's an event. You see 3 out of the 4 children take dance. I decided at the beginning of the year that I couldn't be running back and forth everyday for a different class...so they all take on the same day! The problem is that we are at dance for 4 HOURS!!!!!!   We get there a few mintues before 4, (that is if we're not running late, or if the line @ Sonic isn't to long) and we don't leave until about 8:20pm. The kids love getting to see their friends and well, I admit so do I! It's nice to visit with other mommy's for a few hours once a week!!  :)
This is a VERY BUSY time right now because the kids are getting ready for a competion. That means lots of EXTRA practices and more "things" to have to remember, shoes, hats, different props and so on.
I'll post some pic. from our last competion so you can see the girls in their "outfits". I don't have a current pic of Austin so I'll have to get back with those later.
As stressful as it can be and I've had my fair share of headache that's for sure, I don't think that I would change it for the world. Seeing the joy on my angels faces is all I need to keep on doing it.
So many kids grow up so fast these days, that I just want my "little blessings" to enjoy their childhood!
So here's to being a kid...laugh today..imagen that your a prince/princess today..swing on the swings and pretend that your a bird flying high in the sky. Just be silly!  :) Once they are grown they won't remember whether or not the laundry was all done, or the if the house was dusted or if the floors were always swept. What they will remember is whether or not mommy was silly with them or helped them ride their bike or got out the cookbook and baked something silly and made a MESS!! Yes, these are the things our children will remember, so when you tuck them in tonight and kiss their little cheeks goodnight, let them now how important they are and how much you .... LOVE  THEM!!!!!
So yes I will put on a smile and do our CRAZY Dance days...because I love my children so much!!!


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Spring is finally here....

The windows are open..achoo..the sun is shinning...achoo..SPRING is finally here..achoo! Well, so is allergy season too!! The kids enjoyed being able to play outside for 2 hours this morning and mamma enjoyed it as well. As the kids ride around on their 4 wheelers, I started dreaming of the "yard work" that lay ahead for me. We had a hard winter so lots of "yard work" needs to be done.
My children never fail to remind me of the wonderful things God has done for us. Aleah my second youngest proclaimed today, "look mommy, God decided to wake up the birds and the trees...Spring is here"! This is so true, sometimes I feel like God needs to WAKE me up. I feel like I get so complacent as a mom, teacher, and wife that I begin to "forget" why I'm here. So today I declare a "WAKE UP DAY". Are you awake and walking down that path that God wants you to?? Or have you drifted down a different way and need to be jolted back on track??
Enjoy the day wherever you may be and be thankful for what blessings you have!!!