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Hi there from windy....Oklahoma!!

I'm new to this "blog thing"! So you'll have to bear with me and give me a few tips along the way.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Correction to the 4 wheelers...

Boy oh boy...did I get in lots of trouble from my kids!!  The kids were checking out my blog and got so upset because I had failed to post a "close up" of their helmets. You see it took them about a week and lots of hours of looking to find the "perfect" one. Daddy told them that they would have it for a long time so they all wanted to make sure they got the right one!!

The other correction is that in the original pictures Ashlyn is hanging out on the kids old battery 4 wheeler. That is not her 4 wheeler the kids said. You see she was getting so frustrated because all she could do is climb on it that we bought her one that is her size. We looked everywhere for a helmet but they don't make them that small, so we got her a cute bike helmet and its still a little loose. She has a tiny little head!! She LOVES her 4 wheeler (battery driven). She's as big as her siblings or at least she thinks she is. She's still learning how to make it go, but it won't be long. In the pic. she wasnt' very happy about having to wear her new helmet. Some days she's cool with it and others...well you know!!

Anyway..sorry for the "mistakes"!!  My kids are happy now!!!

Aleah's "Pink Flames", when she picked this I had to laugh, because it so fits her personality!!

Adalynn's "Butterflies"! This also fit her personality, very girly!!

She insisted on showing the back.

Ashlyn on her very own 4 wheeler!! Like I said..she wasn't happy with the helmet!


  1. Where is Autin's helmet?

    Where's Nana" helmet?


  2. your kids are waaayyyyy adorable!! What part of south Texas?? (anywhere near Clear Lake??) And...what part of Oklahoma?? I have my dad's side of the family in Bixby, Tulsa and Claremore. Blessings to ya!!
